Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Book of the Week 7/11/07 New Avengers #32

Written by Brian Bendis
Art by Leinil Yu
Color Art by Dave McCaig
Letters by Albert Deschesne

The last issue of New Avengers left me the victim of overhype. Not being a Marvel zombie I knew little of the the history of the Skrulls or what the last images of issue #31 would mean for the Marvel universe. Granted, I had an idea and Bendis did clarify a few things however, this issue not only really brought me up to speed but I loved seeing the seeds of mistrust being planted amongst the team members.

Theories abound in this issue over the secret war, civil war, M-day, and where various loyalties lie plus everyone gets called on their strange behavior over the last several years. There's alot of build-up in this issue, which isn't necessarily a bad thing when written well. Bendis does an excellent job showing the team breaking apart through mistrust and then putting them into a situation that sees at least one member go their own way. I'm excited to see what this means for the Marvel-U as it looks like another summer event kicks off here.