Book of the Week 2/6/08 Nightwing #141
Written by Peter Tomasi
Pencils by Rags Morales
Inks by Michael Bair
Letters by Sal Cipriano
I can't even explain the joy I had reading this comic. As fans of the podcast know, I'm a huge Nightwing fan. Unfortunately lately his book has been...well...lacking. Marv Wolfman had a good start but unfortunately the book became a preview for Wolfmans other project. Well I'm happy to say that Tomasi and Morales have brought one of my favorite characters back from the brink.
While the last issue set things up for Dick's new life in New York, this issue is the true start of Nightwings investigation into the missing bodies that are disappearing from the graves of deceased heroes and villains. Also, this issue could be called "Nightwing and his amazing friends". Superman, Batman, the Justice Society, John Stewart, and Wally West all make an appearance. People complaining about the "new" Wally should pick up this book as it really feels like the old "pre-responsible" Flash. Also, I appreciate Tomasi remembering that Wally is really Dicks best friend and two haven't really caught up since his return. Surprisingly, with all these heroes showing up, not much action really takes place in this issue but the mystery does deepen and it's nice to see Dick Grayson portrayed well again.
I didn't mean to pick another Tomasi book this week but lets face it, this guy is on a streak! I've been okay with the lack of action so far in the story because I know the guy can write it as we've seen in Black Adam. So far he has done an amazing job of giving Dick some great moments with his supporting cast as we saw with Bruce and Tim in the last issue and the rest of the DCU in this issue. I think above all, I'm happy to see the character finally given the respect he deserves in his own book. Wolfman came close but wrote the character like he did when he was younger. This feels right for the character given his age, experience, and role in the DCU.
Rags Morales is incredible. His style has definitely grown since his work on Identity Crisis. He also does well when framing a shot. Credit also needs to be given to Michael Bair who adds great mood to some of the panels. The shot of another well known deceased villain being pulled from the ground was downright chilling.
As I said earlier, its nice to have this book back to where it should be. I don't think I've been as excited about its direction since Chuck Dixon was on the title. Things are looking up for the former boy wonder!