Thursday, June 12, 2008

Book of the Week 6/12/08 Booster Gold #10

Written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz
Art by Dan Jurgens

I've been saying recently how good this book has been and I'm glad to see that the momentum has never slowed during Johns' latest take on one of DCs classic characters. I've never been a huge Booster fan but I felt that so much depth was added during 52 that the character was really given a whole new start. This book has really given Booster a purpose and made him a viable character and not just a one-note joke. The fact that Johns was able to further explore his revised character with this 11 issue run has been great and provided a "sequel" to 52 and Omac Project.

This issue deals with the climax of the Blue and Gold story where Max Lord has succeeded with the OMAC Project and eliminated most of earth's heroes. The ultimate villain revealed in this issue was great but I felt that it almost relied too much on readers having read 52. Being that I did, I loved it. I also loved the realization for Beetle that how many lives had to be lost for him to live. More than anything, this issue finally provided not only an opportunity for Booster to say goodbye to his friend but for readers to do the same. There is a panel near the end of the book that tugs at the heartstrings.

Johns and Jurgens have done a great job on this book. I'm not sure how the next creative team will handle the book but this initial run will end up being a great trade. Jurgens art, while initially a little rough, has really sharpened and reminds us all why he is considered a great in his field. I never thought I'd enjoy this book as much as I have and with still one more issue to go in the story I eagerly await the finally to Johns' latest classic.