Written by Sean McKeever, Geoff Johns, Marv Wolfman, Todd Dezago
Pencilled by Randy Green, Mike McKone, George Perez, Todd Hauck
Inks by Andy Lanning & Sandra Hope, Marlo Alquiza, George Perez, Lary Stucker
Letters by Rob Leigh
This week provided a strong showing that I didn't expect. Avengers-The Initiative was great and Countdown finally picked up with an action packed issue. My choice for this week's honor of book of the week though went to the nostalgia fest that was Teen Titans #50.
Let me start by saying that this issue wasn't entirely built on nostalgia. However, it surprised me to see that writers and artists from the past (even young justice!) returned to deliver flashback moments that pushed character development of characters that have been dead or gone for years. Hell, we even got a great Wally West/Kid Flash story. It was great to revisit the various teams and watch how these teenagers have grown up together. Most importantly, they act like teenagers, they fight and bicker, their hormones are out of control, they sneak out and do stupid things, and most importantly they trust and confide in eachother. which anyone who went through their teen years with a strong group of friends will understand. I was excited for every turn of the page. Between the flashbacks though, we were offered sneaks at what is in store for the new team of titans, Blue Beetle joining the team, Ms. Martian's crush on Robin, Cassie and Tim exploring a new romance, and last but not least...well, I won't spoil it here for you...catch the podcast for that.
The art also stood out as amazing. Randy Green is hopefully on this book for the rest of it's span. He brings just the right look to the team that makes them look and feel like teenagers and not just little adults. Hopefully this title can keep the momentum from this issue going for a long time. The Titans are back!